In the same manner, when a minister of government, a minister of the gospel or any other person in an official capacity are ask to make a public appearance or to speak publicly; that individual must first make sure that the persons, group or organization who extends that invitation, that they, their policies, associations and actions are in harmony with those whom he was appointed or elected to represents. In most cases such officers cannot accept personal invitation because their presence will automatically reflect on the post they holds. He or she must ensure that whatever is said in such forum or environment stays within the perimeters of the policies of the government or the organization whom he represents.
In some cases when an individual is appointed to a particular position, that individual is expected at all time to be responsible to the post, the organization, the public and those whom he represents. Such expectations are based on the image of the organization and the sensitivity of the post; thus the life and verbal expression of one who falls in this category must at all time reflect the standard, policies and principles of the organization they represents. Such category of people and profession may include but not limited to members of the diplomatic core, certain corporation, politicians and other high profile public officers.
Now that I have explained what protocol is, I am going to address an issue that was on my mind for sometime now. On 26th February 2008 while addressing the Bermuda House of Parliament, government minister Derrick Burgess JP. MP said “Guess workers should not get involved in Bermuda’s politics and those who speak out against their companies policies should be expected to get dismissed.”
Can you believe that such words came from the lips of a seasoned trade unionist? In my opinion Derrick Burgess words sound like those of an insecure fool or those of a dictator.

Mr. Burgess you do not sound like a politician or a trade unionist, you sounds like a slave master/driver. However instead of segregated laws and a slave whip, you use discriminatory policies, and behavior such as the revocation of the work permit to keep foreign workers/your slaves in line. I often smile to myself whenever I hear of foreign workers who for one unlawful reason or the other had their work permit revoke out of petty spite.
These actions are a perfect reflection of the size of the minds of the people who uphold and encourage such discriminatory practices and policies. It also reflects the level of mental mature/security and self-esteem they possess. These are action of weak men and women. Unfortunate the petty bigotry that is so common among a large cross section of Bermudian are nurtured and encouraged by the politicians and facilitated by those who knows better and sit by in silence.
Examined the hypocrisy:
Now on 16th October 2008, Consular General of the USA, Gregory Slayton in delivering a speech at the gathering of the 22nd congress of re-insurance at the Hamilton Princess Hotel in Bermuda publicly declared that Bermuda was in a recession

I noticed that Dr. Brown, neither Derrick Burgess nor any other Bermudian called for the USA government to recall the Consular General for getting involved in Bermuda’s political affairs in the same manner you all was for ever calling for the recall of John Vereka. Here we see that Slayton not only got involved in the political affairs of Bermuda but he being a high profile member of the diplomatic core made a public declaration which should have been made by the minister of finances or the primer. We all know how such declaration can affect an economy.
This lead me to ask the following questions Mr. Derrick Burgess who were you speaking to when you made those remakes in your portfolio of parliamentarian? Were there exception? And why did you and your government just sit back like cowards after such a gross disrespect that was displayed for you, your remarks and your government operations?