The news that the Auditor General of Bermuda Mr. Larry Dennis will be calling it quits at the end of August 2009 is sad news for Bermuda. For this man had valiantly and singly
handed kept Bermuda's public officers honest. Those who disregarded his presence, the office he held and Mishandle public funds, were kept on the run: Larry Dennis did all in his power to ensure the offenders were made accountable. People with Larry Dennis' determination and fearless personality is need to be the watch dog in the "
culture" that is the "
Bermuda government."
I had two opportunities to pick Mr. Dennis’ brain at length when I was his Jailer. This was when Dennis was detained in police custody at the Hamilton Police Station for allegedly having in his possession copies of the stolen Bermuda Housing Corporation dossier (document the Police never recover from Dennis), documents that had information the powers that be wanted to keep private.
Mr. Dennis like the true solider (not literal) he is, suffered the consequence of being confidential, which was, detention in the Jail at the Hamilton police Station. He slept, ate and was treated like anyone who was so detained, yet without complaint. The efforts of the authority to break Larry Dennis and have him squeal like a snitching pig failed, for he knew that he was being prosecuted for a lawful and upright cause and though such treatment may have been humiliating he dealt with it like a man, never losing his respect and or his dignity.

Unfortunately I do not know about the professional ability of Dennis’ successor: Mrs. Heather Jacobs Matthews, however I could remember seeing her unassumingly going about her business in the City of Hamilton, doing her banking with the Bank Of
Butterfield on Reid and Burnaby Street. I remembered her for she was the dignified looking senior lady, with the physique and agility of an eighteen year old. I trust that this Soon to be dame (lady receiving the Queens honor) will be as determine as Larry was and she will serve the country and the people of Bermuda with new vigor. I trust that there will be manifested within her the intent to set new levels of integrity; ensuring that all public officer are afraid to mess with the public money.
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