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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Culture From Around The World Part 2

What is culture? Culture is the way of life of a people and it includes all of the habits, rituals, celebration, and rights. It also includes the food they eat, the clothes they wear, the method and means of preparing such and their reason for doing what they do; in other words culture include the entire way of life of the people. An understanding of ones culture and the culture of another aids to make us cultured, which is: the behaviors and beliefs characteristic of a particular social conduct. So in my effort to contribute to and transform my friend in Bermuda into even more cultured citizens I will take the time to share with you exhibits as is displayed at the Brooklyn Museum. I hope you will share in my experience and quest to be even more cultured.
Decorative Plate dated 10th century

Napal exhibits of the Gods of Fertility and they are from the 10th Century

Indian artifacts:
 Decorative Temple Braces from the 12th and 13th Century

Indian Celestial Dancers 12th and 13th Century

Indian Celestial Dancers 12th and 13th Century

These pieces repersents the Indian Celestial Dancers from 12th and 13th Century Era

An Indian Head Piece or Crown 12th/13th Century

Culture From Around The World Part 1

What is culture? Culture is the way of life of a people and it includes all of the habits, rituals, celebration, and rights. It also includes the food they eat, the clothes they wear, the method and means of preparing such and their reason for doing what they do; in other words culture include the entire way of life of the people. An understanding of ones culture and the culture of another aids to make us cultured, which is: the behaviors and beliefs characteristic of a particular social conduct. So in my effort to contribute to and transform my friend in Bermuda into even more cultured citizens I will take the time to share with you exhibits as is displayed at the Brooklyn Museum. I hope you will share in my experience and quest to be even more cultured.

Ethiopian Karo Damcer
The Ethiopian Karo Dancers still exist today and they still practice their craft. The Karo dancer paint his body as a means of Visual artistic expression. Body art is unique and reflects the personality of the dancer. Karo Dancers sees their body as a Canvas on which to express themselves.

Ethiopian Cross 19th and 20th Century with with the Stars of David

The Bochio, Power Figer from Benin 
The Bochiois a mytical or power figer, Bochios are believed to be very powerful Figers and they are personal tool. It is believed to be used for protection, to harm enemies and to ensure personal success. It is made and kept in secret and only the owner knows of its existance, composition and purpose.

This piece is a 19th Century stool from the Cook Island (Lene) this stool was delicately carved from a single piece of wood and belong to the chief. It is important to note that only the chief sat on an elevated level, the other member of the tribe sat on the ground.
This work of art is from Maracco and it is from the 19th Century it is made from Silver, Coral, Carnelian.

Power Figer from the Republic of Benin

Ancestor Figer from the South Moluccas

Friday, February 19, 2010

Letter To The Bermuda Press.

14th January 2009

To Editor

Dear madam/Sir,

I am taking this opportunity to inform you of my efforts to find answers to a very troubling series of events that have been impacting a cross section of the Bermudian community.

Over the years, there have been reasons for concerns as it relates to the sudden and serious illness along with the untimely and unexplained death that have been plaguing members of the Bermuda Police Service. As you will know over the last year the Bermuda Police Service had another three serving officers dying. These high rates of sudden illnesses and passive death (death not in the line of duty) have been growing problems that needs urgent attention.

We all know that in 1989, there were reports that give rise to concerns of ex-police officers becoming ill with and dying from cancer. This concern was so great that in 1990, the then Chief Medical Officer of Bermuda; Dr. Can, ordered and allegedly conduct an inconclusive, unscientific study of the problem.

In February of 2004, there were reports that workers at police administration came down with headaches and blurred vision; the cause which was attributed to the poor working condition of the poor structural environment of the condemn building they are forced to work in.

In May 14th 2007 a subsidiary of the Bermuda Police Service was closed after scientific test revealed, the presence of a high mold concentration in that building, was at a dangerous level, to facilitate prolong human presence. There was also the 2008 blog revelation of a similar situation at the Hamilton Police Station.

There is also the issue of the multi-satellite reception facility and the health problem that is associated with the radiation that is linked with such facility.

With the death of my good friend Andrew Thomas, I have commit to use my voice and energy to call for those responsible, to ensure that answer to the question are found and action is taken to reduce the health risk the members of the Bermuda Police Service is now facing and in the process promote longevity among the BPS members.

In order to achieve this objective, I have embarked on a 5 phase campaign; after a period of planning I put the first phase into effect 4th February 2009. This phase consist of writing letters to several key institution and individual in the Bermuda society to use their personal influence and office to bring about some meaningful change. I have written to the Governor and his deputy, the Commissioner of Police, Bermuda Police Association, the Premier, Minister of Health, Bar Association, Human Rights Commission, BDA Cancer Association, The Speaker of the House of Assemble, the leaders of the trade unions and many others. The second phase of this campaign is to bring this campaign and the action of the first phase to the press.

Unfortunately, in order to avoid stumbling blocks and sabotage I am unable to inform you of the up coming three phase of this concern, however I can assure you that each stage this campaign is more intense then the previous stage.

It is my hope that those who are responsible and are invested with the authority to ensure that the appropriate action is taken thus avoiding the prolong suffering of the people who protect the nation.

Monday, February 08, 2010

O, that I may die and feat not death

I will not be afraid when I breathe my last, that death not holds me in its grasps.

Should I be afraid of the great unknown, to revere death like an emperor on his throne?
To fare what man through out the age to fear, a powerless myth an emotionless cheer.
Death has no power, no swag, no say, no power to hurt, no debt to repay.
No chance to defeat the life within but lingers in lonesome path to that must end.
In a peculiar shade where nothing exist, but a jaded longing for a nameless bliss;
A name by which to call, it is only a name that describes a state where the breath has broken free,
leaving a solitary word that describes the absence of life: death