At 11:00 pm, on Tuesday 4th November 2008, Barack Hussein Obama an African American the son of a Nigerian immigrant and white .............................................U.S.A President Elect Barakc Hussein Obama
American female, broke through the racial barriers that was erected by racist America to become the first black man to hold the office of President of the Unites States Of America.
Barracks election came at a time when the United States of America is facing tremendous economic hardship and is also the most unpopular nation on earth. His journey was not an easy one. His was a journey that was prepared with the blood, sweat, tears and life of millions that went before him. Just a few years ago a fragile black woman by the name of Rosa Parks was arrested when she refused to comply.....................Rosa Parks mother of the American civil rights rebellion
when instructed to give up her seat and stand at the back of the bus, in order to allow a white person can sit (this was the law). Rosa Park's refusal and subsequent arrest triggered a series of events: which includes the motivation of a southern baptist minister Martin Luther King Jr. to stand up, spoke up and to lead a nation into discovering its conscience.
This was not a short or easy process but it was a necessary process. This struggle saw many black as well as white sympathizers suffering even onto death at the hands of white segregated America.
.............A lynching (the organized public murder of a black person by white people)
This is the same America where its white citizens will go on "PICK NICKS" (or pick a nigger outing: a social gathering where white people get together to pick a black person to be lynched or hang by the neck until he or she was dead). The America where black people were denied entry into public places and the use of public facility because of the color if their skin.
I am not a citizen of the United States of America and unlike my brothers, sisters and other family members who are citizen of this mighty nation, I was not privilege enough to cast a vote for Barack Obama in this historic election. However I am proud to say that I Allan H. F. Palmer had a hand in Barack's success. For the first time in my life I have contributed to a political campaign. It may not have been much but it gave me the privilege to be a part of history.
No one knows what the future holds, but may the all powerful God bless Obama, his family, his decisions and his presidency.