What is culture? Culture is the way of life of a people and it includes all of the habits, rituals, celebration, and rights. It also includes the food they eat, the clothes they wear, the method and means of preparing such and their reason for doing what they do; in other words culture include the entire way of life of the people. An understanding of ones culture and the culture of another aids to make us cultured, which is: the behaviors and beliefs characteristic of a particular social conduct. So in my effort to contribute to and transform my friend in Bermuda into even more cultured citizens I will take the time to share with you exhibits as is displayed at the Brooklyn Museum. I hope you will share in my experience and quest to be even more cultured.
Decorative Plate dated 10th century
Napal exhibits of the Gods of Fertility and they are from the 10th Century
Indian artifacts:
Decorative Temple Braces from the 12th and 13th Century
Indian Celestial Dancers 12th and 13th Century
Indian Celestial Dancers 12th and 13th Century
These pieces repersents the Indian Celestial Dancers from 12th and 13th Century Era
An Indian Head Piece or Crown 12th/13th Century