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Monday, June 09, 2008

Hilton Davis Master Builder of Yesterday with Skills for today

Hilton Davis is a master builder, who specialized in the construction of old Bermudian stone houses, with all of the fancy décor that contribute to the uniqueness of these masterpieces. Uncle Hilti as he is affectionately called by his close friends acquaintances and family are always in his workshop working on a new project. Hilton along with his wife are two of Bermuda’s most hospitable people.

Hilton who is now retired is still kept occupied by bringing to life the little things that find their way into his imagination. Hilton can also be considered a miniature maker. Hilton enjoys making reduced duplication of people homes, making them into post boxes. Can you imagine having a post box in front of your house that looks exactly like your house?

Among the things Hilton makes and decorates with stones are flower pots, moon gates, post boxes, imitations fireplaces, center tables, planters and a host of his handiwork that will leave you spellbound and amazed.

Hilton and his wife illys are also involved in what he calls container planting/farming. Hilton is always trying out new ideas. Hilton has mastered the art of planting a variety of herbs and vegetables in one (1) square foot area utilizing a very limited amount of space. You can find his field of strawberries in what he calls a planter, occupying just one square foot of space.

With his limited space Hilton and Illys has successfully cultivated flowers, vegetables, and fruits crops; crops which his friend very often partake of. Above are some photos of the products of Hilton Davis’ hand. Some of the sweetest strawberries I have ever eaten were harvested from a planter in Hilton’s back yard. These fruits were harvested and enjoyed by me with Hilton’s generous permission.

Mr. Davis can be contacted at: 441-236-1480

Above: Postbox & Wall unit with light

Above: A moon gate
Left: A flower pot designed like a Wine Glass
Left below: A flower pot designed like an oyster

Right: A planter with strawberries