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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Three More BPS Police Officer Die In 2009.. What Is Responsible For The High Passive Mortality Rate In The Bermuda Police Service?

The newly appointed Commissioner of Police Mike Da Silva

It have been a year and five months, since I brought to the attention of the Bermuda Police Association as well as to the attention of the public (which also got the attention of some international health agency) the unhealthy condition of the many facilities that is occupied by the Bermuda Police Service. These buildings includes and are not limited to the building that house the Hamilton Police Station, which was condemned over three decades ago; all of the buildings at Headquarters Hill, Devonshire, which houses: The Police Recreation Club, Police Administration, Narcotic Department, Intelligence Unit, The Telecommunication Unit, The Police Training School etc. Buildings which were deemed unfit, to be used by their previous occupants, who for obvious reasons had to vacated the buildings that were subsequently condemned. Unfortunately, the Government of Bermuda saw It fit to make these unhealthy, condemned building, the places of daily operation of the Bermuda Police Service.

Yet another year has come and pass and it is business as usual, three more police officers were diagnosed with and die from terminal illnesses yer it is still business as usual. I am speaking of three more officers, who participated in or supported the public demonstration (protest march) for more money, while neglecting the health issues that have been affecting and affected hundreds of their colleagues; yet they did not live long enough to enjoy the money they choose over their health. When you consider the whole scenario, it is such a sad occurrence, that could have been avoided with a little foresight and a little innovative thinking.

Carl Nedlet and the Bermuda Police Association, have failed to look out for the welfare of their members. The failure of the Bermuda Police Association not only kill their members but was responsible for their illnesses. Unfortunately it is the family of the decease and the ill who really suffer.

I hope that the Bermuda Police Association is not waiting on the incoming Commissioner of Police; Mike Da Silva to solve this ongoing problem. It is important that they understand, as much as Commissioner Da Silva will like to address the on going issue of the unhealthy working environment The Bermuda Police Service is confronted with, there is not much he can do. Although he is responsible for the B.P.S members, he is not really accountable to them. Commissioner Of Police is accountable to the Government and people of Bermuda. Unfortunately Mike Da Silva has to work with the time table of the Government. The harsh reality is; he has no say as to how the Government of Bermuda allocates and spend their funds. His core responsibilities are to ensure that crime and criminal activities are kept at a manageable rate.

So while the members of the Bermuda Police Association are collecting the dues from their members, they turn the attention of the membership to unimportant issues, while praying on the gratitude of the healthy members who are only to happy that they are not the one lying on the bed of the terminally ill, or on a slab in the morgue. But the big question that members of the Bermuda Police Service must ask themselves is: am I the next person to become unexplainable ill, or die from an avoidable terminal illness?

Don’t forget Wayne Gaskin who escaped death only by the grace of God, let us not forget Detective Donald, who has two progressively failing kidneys, and the countless others who are still suffering. When will you have the Wayne Gaskin, Stevie Darrell, Grant Yard, Paul Marsden, Gary Young or the Andrew Thomas' experience. If you are sure that you are invincible and immune from any such medical condition, then you can continue life, business as usual. Don’t forget, there were three healthy police officers who experienced sudden illness and die from malignant terminal illnesses in 2009. Who will it be in 2010?

Let us examine the other government departments, social institution, financial institution, places of work and/or organization that operate in Bermuda and compare the amount of unexplained illnesses and or death they experienced over the pass year, five years, ten, fifteen or twenty years with that with the Bermuda Police Service. These are easy research to conduct and should be done. But the Big question is; will it be done? It is every one's wish that this problem will go away, just evaporate into thin air. Since it will not just go away, like the hundred of other solvable problems that no one cares about, it will be swept under the rug as always. I hope that no one else trip over the bulged in the rug and die the way complacent police officers had been dying; for they to were also responsible for creating the bulge in the rug.

The Bermuda Police Service has the highest passive mortality rate in the history of police organization in the world. Is this unfortunate event important enough to find out why?

Yes, Yes I know, the truth hurts and offends many, but the truth must be spoken. If the truth is not spoken by me, who will?

Sunday, December 20, 2009

An Abuse of Power: Is Bermudian Getting The Justice They Ought To?

From my stint in Bermuda, I have interacted with many Bermudian who were detained in police custody on various drug smuggling offences. In most cases the alleged offenders would have had a package apprehended by the police from one of the three renowned international courier services that operate on the Island of Bermuda: DHL UPS or FedEx.

Then I had an experienced that caused me to question the methods used by and the integrity of the Bermuda Police Service when dealing with the citizen of Bermuda; more specifically in the area of drug related offences. The questions I am trying to get an answer to are as follows:

Have the Bermuda Police Service been honest and forthright in dealing with the thousands of individuals who have had their packaged searched, seized, were arrested, their activities investigated, their phone tapped, their homes searched, their friends and family inconvenience with questioning and in some case detained, the subject charged, prosecuted and in most cases the accused person went to court and plead guilty: in order to avoid the inconvenience and the negative attention of a long trial? Have they been honest in their dealings?

From my experience most Black Bermudian are of the opinion that the court system is tailored to deny them justice and as a result they refuse to fight for their rights. These are occurrences the presiding Jurist, the police, the defense lawyers and the prosecutor appreciates very much, for these court officers it is an opportunity to reduce the excess cases load but most of all, they get out of court early. This come at the expense of Justice and too often resulted in the conviction of innocent citizen, which is not good for justice. I often wonder what happened to the philosophy that it is better for ten guilty men to go free than for one innocent man to be convicted.

In April 2009, after speaking to my sister via telephone to arranged the shipment of my new passport which she was in possession of after collecting it from the passport office in Kingstown, St. Vincent. The phone calls between us were to make arrangement to ensure that we were on the same page with the shipping of my travel Document (passports) to me. The arrangement was made for my passports to be shipped to me via Federal Express (FedEx) which I should have received on the 7th April 2008. The FedEx agent in St. Vincent who is my good friend, ensure she properly label the package detailing the content of the package on the place provided for such.

Sensing that something was terrible wrong I constantly tract the movement of my package using FedEx on line tracking. When the package arrived in Bermuda, I immediately called FedEx office to make arrangement to collect the package. However I was informed that the package was in the possession of the delivery agent. Later that morning the delivery agent contacted me and informed me that he has a package for me. I made my way to his location where I signed the necessary document and collected the package. When I collected the package, I was in the company of one adult female and two children.

On receipt of the package I noticed the package was tampered with and the damage was repaired with and clear tape. I opened the package in the presence of the FedEx delivery person who informed me that was the condition the package was in, when it was given to him.

Isn’t it the procedure of any legitimate shipping company FedEx including; to inform their customers if a package was damaged and its content missing? FedEx workers could not claim they did not know that the content of the package was missing, because there is a manifest (airway bill) that outlines the content of the package and its value. Isn’t it procedure for any legitimate company FedEx included to inform their customers if their package or part of the shipment were seized by the police if doing so will not interfere with an on going investigation? And aren’t they (legitimate shipping company including FedEx) professionally and legally obligated to inform the customers if such seizure was affected if the shipment or the content of the shipment did not contravene any law?

Isn’t it the procedure for any well structured police service or force, if the seized a package or the content of or part of the content of a package to first inform the owners and initiate an arrest if any law was violated.

While conducting my inquiries, the behavior of the senior customs officer who was assigned to clear FedEx consignments and the Manager of FedEx Bermuda Ltd. had the dirty hand print of Bermuda Police Service all over my missing passport. So I made a formal report to the police documenting the theft of two St. Vincent passports, then I wrote a letter to the Manager of FedEx Bermuda Ltd. Below is the content of the letter I submitted to the Manager of FedEx Bermuda Ltd.

12 Headquarters Hill

Christopher P. Heslop
Manager Federal Express Bermuda
Serpentine Road

th April 2008

Dear Mr. Heslop,

On Wednesday 9th April 2008, I duly brought to your attention and I have also taken the timeout to show you a package I received from your delivery service, which was tampered with and part of the contents namely two St. Vincent and the Grenadines Pass Port (one that was canceled with an American Visa in it, and a new Pass Port that is in compliance with the USA standards) in the name of Allan H. F. Palmer was missing form the package; a package your delivery person admitted he received from the warehouse as he delivered it.

And as you have informed me on recognizing the tape on the package that the tape used is that which is used by custom official to reseal a package after a package was examined by the Bermuda Customs, and as was confirmed by the customs officer who states that the person who use the tape should not have use the said tape on the package as they are making a transition from that tape to a new tape.

I do not have to inform you, of the importance of someone in my position having a Pass Port.

In my effort to get a speedy replacement pass port I am requesting a letter from your company verifying that a passport was shipped from St. Vincent and the Grenadines to Bermuda via Federal Express and that package was tampered with and the Pass Port removed from the package.

Such a letter will aid in me getting a speedy replacement. Let me take this opportunity to thank you for your speedy cooperation in this urgent matter. Thank you.

Sig. Allan H. F Palmer

The big questions that must be answered are:

How did the Bermuda Police Service official know, that my passports were coming into Bermuda on that particular date?

The Bermuda Police Service was illegally listening into my phones conversations.

Did the Bermuda Police Service obtain lawful authority that instructed the FedEx management to hand over to them for the purpose of searching and to confiscate the content of the package?

Did the Bermuda Police Service get such lawful authority from a presiding Jurist or Justice of the Peace? If the answer to this question is yes; what was the information they provide to the Jurist to justify the issuing such authority?

Every moment of that day is fixed in my memory for two reasons the first reason: it was the day my passport was stolen by the institution I served faithfully and for the mere fact that although such a adverse occurrence it was also my best day in Bermuda.

Mike Jackman one of the B.P.S management and the proud face of unethical practice. (It Pays to be Dishonest)

I can clearly remember seeing the smug look of victory that was plastered on the faces of the main perpetrators Assistance Commissioner of Police: Mike Jackman and his accomplice Inspector Haynes.

Now if Mike Jackman and his accomplices were willing to break the law and possible knowingly provide fraudulent information to a presiding Jurist to obtain a lawful authority in order to stress an honest police officer only because he was strong enough to live his conscience and refused to fall in line with their dishonesty and to comply with their illegal instructions. To what lengths will they go to cause the arrest and potential imprisonment of a member of the community who the have an even more serious beef with.

Mike Jackman and the others are paid to uphold the law, if they can disrespect the authority with which they were entrusted, use fraudulent means to persuade a presiding Jurist to do their dirty biddings and to violate the law at will when it is in their egoist interest; then who is safe from these rough police officers. How many Bermudian were arrested and charge and prosecuted base on the dishonest actions of rough police officers. Now the big question is, who is going to police the police?

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Who Is Responsible For The Action Of The Youths?

The youths of Bermuda have taken a hard hit over the recent pass and this is so because they have been doing what each of us has done in the pass, while growing up: they made some poor decision. While I resided in St. Vincent and the Grenadines: the land of my birth; without the prompting of anyone I took on the role of mentor many of the nation’s youths. I in several programs, more spacific: in a once a week program that was geared to provide activities for the youths of my neighborhood, this was done in order to provide these young people with an alternative to the negitive cycle (Both parental and community) they were expected to repeat.

Some Of The Hikers Taking A Rest On The Trail To St. Andrews Mountain

I presented to the youths of my neighborhood, a different way of living; The Adventurers Hiking program which attracted youths from all over the country was geared to provide the opportunity for young people to explore their adventurous side by participating in daring events in a controled environment and the Read and Have Fun a program that was instrumental in highlighting the importance of reading and was responsible in inspiring an interest in none reading children in reading. This program was also designed by me and was sponsored by the Vin-save Child Development Center, which was and still is under the Direction of Mrs. Janice Fraser, who was integrally involved in the program.

From my interaction with Bermuda’s Youths I can say that they are no different from the youths in other parts of the world. Like other youths they get involved in petty squabble that get out of hand from time to time, they also have tons of energy that is focus in the wrong direction, there is also the existence of rage and the feeling of invincibility, when these characteristics are properly directed, they can be converted into a productive force and be beneficial to the individual but is left unchecked and poorly directed, such can yield dangerous results.

Here is where the problem begins. The young person is very often unable to properly direct or redirect the surplus of energy, rage or utilize the spirit of invincibility that are common to this demographic of the society and the there is rarely anyone present who can and are willing to dedicate the time and knowledge to help the youths channel their energies and rage in to activities that can allow them to relief themselves of such in a control and productive manner; hence the reason for the problems.
PCs Ward, Hilton And Palmer With Their Littles.
My religious affiliation and my association with the Big Brother Big Sister of Bermuda have given me the opportunity to mentor many of Bermuda’s youths, a responsibility that I took seriously and one that I handled tenderly.

My First Little Brother: Donte and I at the South Side Bowl
I was connected to Donte by the Big Brother program a wonderful young man that has potential that cannot be measured; Donte is a shy young man who I expect a lot of. With the correct motivation and support there is nothing that he cannot accomplished, We enjoy many games of lawn tennis, when this awesome young man is excited he has such a loud infectious laugh that is a delight to hear.

Taj after exploring a cave in the Blue Hole Hill Area

Later I was given the opportunity by the Big Brother Big Sister to mentor another little. My new mentee’s name was Taj. Taj is a very talkative youngster, which was a sign that he possess an active, curious and inquiring mind. As such, his curiosity leads him to asked many probing questions, a quality that most people will find annoying but a quality that should be encourage and properly directed. If this young man is not discouraged from exercising and expanding his curiosity but encouraged to asked question and is taught how to satisfy such curiosity; by teaching him how to search for such answers; then is no telling what this young man can accomplish.

There is Javan: an intense, high energy and honest youth, who has an extraordinary capacity to love, even for one of so tender an age; he knows how to show appreciate. This young man is a delight to be around. With the correct mentoring, parental guidance and the correct peers Javan will excel in any field.

There are many of Bermuda’s youths that I have grown close to and have grown to love that are not mentioned here. However, the biggest problem with my mentees and every youth are; they are misunderstood. Adults are often not patience enough or they are not willing to dedicate the time needed to allow children to be children. The adult population (parent, teachers, mentors, guardians) must understand that members of this demographic are not adults and they should not expect the youths/children to behave, interact, and grasp concepts and instruction as adults do, for the simple fact they are not adults.

The fact that each adult were once a youth should afford us the understanding of what the youths are going through and thus make us the best parent, guardian and mentors; however, our impatience has made us a danger to our young people. We need to reform our mentality and lifestyle in such a manner that will allow us to be better, more responsible and active mentors, parents and guardian. It is only when we understand that to be a parent or to be given the opportunity to impact or influence the future of a child, or young person; is the most secret responsibility there is; it is then, we will reorganized our priorities and ensure that our children are placed at the top of the list.

We cannot blame the youths for their mal behavior for they are a product of their parents and to a wider extent the community. For the level and the quality of parenting each parent give to their children will in fact determine the quality of the young people and by a larger extent the quality of citizen the community is blessed or cursed with. In turn the parent will give to the community the type of citizen the community demands.
The question what type of citizen is the community demanding from its parents?

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

The United States of America is celebrating what I refer to as the holiday of reflection: Thanksgiving. Come Thursday 26th November 2009 (the day designate) many people in the USA and around the world will take timeout for honest reflection, for the many cause they have to be thankful.

Like the millions of American I am taking this opportunity this thanksgiving to give thanks for all of the wonderful things and the uplifting experiences that made up my recent and distance past; I am also taking this opportunity to give thanks for the all of the adversities and the misgivings I experienced over the period. For it is those adverse events that inspires character growth in sincere, honest and decent people who are wise enough to look for the teaching/learning moments such unfavorable experiences presents.

Although we avoid speaking of such because of the pain that is associated with awakening the bad memories, it is important to know that it is these moments that is responsible for shaping our character and what makes us the unique people that we are. It will do us good, to move towards healing, put away the bitterness and embrace such unfortunate events as just another of life’s adventure.

This thanksgiving, we must also bear in mind that before we can be truly thankful we must first learn to forgive those who have trespassed against us; for it is only by forgiving that we can truly be appreciative of life’s experiences good and/or bad. How can I be thankful for favor or blessings we did not deserved yet we allows the hate that manifests itself in our heart from allowing us to extend the same favor to another (the person I hate) in need.

I have so much to be thankful for, I am thankful that Jehovah have be store his favor upon me and for blessing me with the prayers of some of the most supportive, confidential, objective and loving family and friends a man could ever asked for. They may not be many but that are just what I need.

I am also thankful to Jehovah for blessing me with a clear mind, which allows me to function above that which is average; for a range of knowledge and the ability to grasp, understand and to apply new concepts with very little ease; for blessing me with wisdom to disown, analyze, and to put things into its proper prospective; but must of all; I am grateful for the ability to honestly, fearlessly, unselfishly clearly communicate my thoughts with others even in the face of possible adverse repercussion.

I am thankful for the fact that the promises of plenty did not caused me to turn a blind eye to the actions of dishonest men, that the love for and of money have never inspired my actions, that prestigious associations could not influences my honesty, and the hope of a handout have never interrupted the effective function of my conscience.

I also give thanks for the opportunity to legally exist in the greatest democracy on earth; where boundless opportunity awaits all: The United States of America. This mighty country where it is impossible for detractors, who dwell in the world of small insecure minds and are engulfed in their petty prejudices to block your path to success and doom you to failure. A place where the impossible dreams are realized and hard workout, talent and valiant efforts are rewarded; a place where redress is guaranteed and there is a place even for the weak. This is not to say that the USA is a perfect place but it is a place where Justice is treasured.

An as always, when the bad times come I will remind myself using the words of the great Vincentian Poet Michael John the Black Messenger:

"I am a winner, my will grows stronger every day. I am that victor; one thing they can never take away. I know the bottle is hard but the struggle is not in vain, each time I stumble and I fall: I WILL RISE AGAIN."

Finally, I must thank Jehovah for my tomorrow and all of the blessing tomorrow has secure for me. For the drive he had placed within me, the willpower I am going to need to persevere in the months ahead, for the strength to break down new barriers, the guts to scale the heights I am going to reach, the drive to attain my new accomplishment that awaits me but most of all I thank Jehovah for ensuring I remains humility, consistent and simple.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Guiding Principles: What Are They?

it is unfortunate that some supporters of the Vote Yes Campaign are using aspects of the "Guiding Principles" as enforceable laws of the constitution. This is done in an effort to convinced members of the Vincentian community to support their cause and on the 25th November 2009 the community may join with then and vote Yes in the Referendum and thus enact the constitution act 2009 the Supreme law of S.V.G. apart from being unfortunate it is shameful that responsible men will act so immature and dishonest on a matter of national importance.
Although I heard many legal professional speak of the "Guiding Principles" that are apart of the Constitution act 2009; apart from referring to them and the way they are being used no one took the time to explain to the public in simple understandable language (English) what are the Guiding Principles? Why such are apart of the Constitution? And the relevance of such in the context of the body of law?

What are the Guiding Principles?
The Guiding principles are a group of principles that were taking into consideration by the drafters and others participant who were involved in the construction of the Constitution. The Constitution should be based on these principles and therefore they should be reflected within the document. the principles that are held dear and are widely practiced in and by the community. Every action, meeting, discussion, consultation and any other activities that took place as part of the construction process of the final document, in this case: the Constitution Act 2009. The Constitution should have evolved with these principled at the fore. In other words, the guiding principles should have been the light which lit the part that led to this document. Why do I get the impression that the guiding principles were thrown together along the way or even after the constitution was completed.

Every constitution is divided into two section the enforceable section (the law) and the none enforceable section (areas such as the guiding principles)

Why are the Guiding principles a part of the Constitution act 2009?

There are two important reasons why the Guiding Principles are apart of the Constitution act 2009 even though they are not laws. These reasons are:

  • The Guiding Principles give those who reads the constitution a better understanding of certain aspect of the enforceable part of the constitution as well as; it give others a clear understanding of the principles on which the law was founded.

  • The Guiding Principles also gives the ordinary individuals as well as those who are endowed with the powers to interpret and make ruling on such laws a guide line as to what objective the people were trying to meet or accomplish, what situation they were trying to address, what conditions they were trying to prevent and what aspect of their life they wanted to protect or what were they guarding against.
So although the Guiding Principles are not enforceable laws, they play a very important interpretive role that will provide a better understanding what was the intention of the of the people when they create this document. (the enforceable section of the constitution act 2009).
Let me give you a practical example of how the guiding principles work.

Let us use for a point of example the first of the Guiding Principles as recorded in the document at 5 (1) which deals with the sovereignty of the people (the people are responsibility for their own affairs). The enforcable section of the Constitution should seek to outline in detail, the means by which the people will be so empowered and how are they are going to excersise their sovereign rights as a people. Nothing in the enforceable laws should seek to erode the sovereignty of the people but to promote such.

lets take a look at the enforceable section of the Constitution to verify whether the body of this document seek to facilitate the empowerment of a sovereign people.

We can see structures such as the establishment of a government as, the establishment of a boundaries commission, the protocol that deals with the election of Representatives and senators, and the other checks and balances to ensures (to a certain extent) that the people remains sovereign and therefore exercise their sovereignty by democracy.
But there are also somethings in the Enforcable section of the constitution that create a threath, not to the soverignty of the country but to the country being a soverign demacracy, by the ease at which the constitution can be tampered with.

any aspect of a cultural, moral, ethical, social practice and belief that is included in a nation's constitution is a sign that these are aspect of their practice and belief that the people cherished and believe should be upheld and protected for the benefit of the current and future generations.

It is therefore dishonest and unconscionable for anyone to promote the guiding principles as enforceable law. I hope it is not a case of: "if you keep the people ignorant you will rule them better."

NEW TOPIC: The Challenge Issued.

It is important for all to understand with the exception for the Constitution parliament has the power to amend, nullify and or make new laws. Parliament also has the power to enforce such new laws, amendment and nullification of any piece of body of law with a majority vote in the house of Parliament. such laws includes any law that is currently enforced.

although it is my legal, and moral conviction that Homosexuality is an inexcusable and vile act; however, the precessing paragraph is the foundation I have laid to make a bold Claim base on the laws of St. Vincent and the Grenadines. I am not only making a bold claim I am also going to challenge any of the Superior legal minds in St. Vincent and the Grenadines or any where in the world to prove me wrong.

On the issue of same sex marriage: there is nothing in the current laws or the new Constitution Act 2009 of St. Vincent and the Grenadines that can prevent two people of the same biological sex or social gender from getting married in St. Vincent and the Grenadines. and those who use the argument of the Buggery laws of the criminal code and the gross Indecency law do not have a practical or legal argument that can convince a Judge that it is illegal for two people of the same sex who want to get married from getting married.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

An Open Letter to Leader of the Opp: Arnhim Eustace

Rt. Hon. Arnhem Eustace (Leader of the Opposition& the N.D.P)
C/o N.D.P Headquarters
St. Vincent and the Grenadines

Dear Mr. Eustace,

It is with a tremendous level of humility, that I take this opportunity to write this letter to you; to address a situation that has the potential to escalate into a national catastrophe. One that can have a long lasting and devastating effect on your liberty and the liberty of the people of St. Vincent and the Grenadines. I speak of the referendum which will seek to enact the proposed St. Vincent and the Grenadines constitution act 2009, which was passed in the house of Assemble by default on 3rd of September 2009.

Recently I received and reviewed a copy of revised document and I was shock by the quality of the document, the Government of St. Vincent has invested so much time, talent and resources to produce. I am also shock that a man like Ralph Gonsalves who holds a PhD. In political science and a LLB in Law along with his cabinet could be so legally dumb to have sanctioned such a poorly prepared document and take such document to the house for the approval of intelligent men like you, the Major, Dr. Lewis among them.

This lead me to asked the following question, Have my friends Mike Brown and the other former educator in the ULP lost their ability to comprehend written English language? are they no longer interesting in educating the nation’s people? how can they actively participate in the miss-education of the people they say they love? Did Rene Baptiste the prolific lawyer, and a woman whom I like; take the time to review this document? Rene do not strike me as one to knowingly betray her country and her people. I know there is more to the efforts of the Unity Labor Party Government than that which meets the eyes or as members of the aged population (old people) will say: “there is more in the mortar than the pestle.”

I do not have to tell you that St. Vincent and the Grenadines is now the laughing stock of the every government and their people in the western hemisphere, even the ordinary man who was afforded the opportunity to examine this document are crying shame on us as a nation. Do you know that, associations such as the Netball, Basketball, Volleyball and other sporting association has stronger constitutions for the management of their affairs, when compare to the Constitution act 2009, which is to be used as the supreme law of a sovereign nation? This whole sorry affair is like a humorless joke and no one in their right senses is laughing.

Could Ralph and his cronies be so ignorant, that they will allow such a pathetic document to be put forward to the people, for our approval as the supreme law of this sovereign nation? Ralph Gonsalves is attempting to cause the realization of our greatest fears; which is, to trick us into allowing him to treat the people of St. Vincent and the Grenadines and their resources in the same manner he currently treats the office of the Director of Public Prosecution and the Police Force. Whatever his plans are, we cannot allow them to be realized; the price will be too high, even higher than the people of St. Vincent and the Grenadines should be allowed to pay. Mr. Eustace this is the reason we are relying on you to ensure that such do not happen.

I know that you are the people’s voice and you and your team have been working tirelessly to educate the people of St. Vincent and the Grenadines so that they could make an informed decision and vote against this snare (the constitution act 2009). I do not know your entire plans in accomplishing such an important task; however, at this late hour; I will like to make some suggestion which I hope you will give serious consideration to.

To lose an election due to fraudulent means to any political group, is one thing and although it is a serious infringement on honesty, democracy and the constitution; the stolen term will come to an end and the electoral process will come around once more, giving those who lose, the opportunity to take corrective measures thus ensure that such miscarriage of democracy not happen again. However to have the constitution act 2009 of St. Vincent and the Grenadines be approved in a referendum by fraudulent means carries with it, a far greater price and far more severe consequences.

I have taken the temperature of the situation on the ground and I have no doubt that the people will vote against enacting of the Constitution act 2009 in the referendum, and this will result in Ralph, and his evil intention (will) lawfully suffer a devastating defeated. However, I know for a fact, in this case the voice of the people will not be heard. I know that Ralph Gonsalves and his dishonest group have already put the machinery in place to secure a victory by fraud.

This is serious times, and a referendum victory even by fraudulent means only opens up the way for Ralph Gonsalves to ratify the necessary changes to the constitution to ensure that he enslave Vincentian in the same manner Hugo Chavez now enslaves his people using fear as his whip.

You have to understand that Ralph Gonsalves has too much to lose not to have the constitution act 2009 approved by the people he dislike and too often disrespect. There is no secret that the result in the referendum is an indicator of how the next general will go for the ULP Government. Ralph Gonsalves is fully aware that he cannot afford to have the reign of power pry from his fingers by the will of the people of St. Vincent and the Grenadines. He is fully aware that a new administration and a different Director of Public Prosecution, he could be made to stand trial for the rape and sexual assault of the police officer and the sexual assault of the Vincentian/Canadian human Rights lawyer. This is a chance he cannot afford and is not willing to take. I know that although Ralph’s victims are silent now, they are uncomplainingly awaiting their day in court.

Now, I will recommend that we call upon international observers, to over see the referendum; I will like to also suggest that you use your most trustworthy and vigilant of supporters to monitor the poles. These pole monitors must be very militant they should be outfitted with micro recorders and even mini video recorders to document any irregularity that may occur in the station before, during and after the voting. We do not want any ballot boxes to be discovered in any hiding places after the fact. In conclusion let me remind you of a fact I know you are aware that Ralph Gonsalves cannot be trusted; however I say again do not put anything pass him for Ralph Gonsalves is desperate and is willing to do anything to hold onto the reign of government at all cost.

Thursday, November 05, 2009

Sandy's Vacation

While residing and working on the island of Bermuda, I had many wonderful experiences. And for your pleasure I will take some time to share with you one such event that shivered my timbers with the ultimate in fun. So I introduced you to the short titled Sandy's Vacation.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Is Ralph Gonsalves and His Unity Labor Party Government Criminals?

Many people both within and without St. Vincent and the Grenadines are of the opinion; that the Ralph Gonsalves Unity Labor Party Government, its friends and supporters are involved in criminal activities, even murder. However, in some case a lack of evidence and a fear of becoming a victim have forced such people into a cocoon of silence. Notwithstanding the danger of becoming a victim, my inquisitive mind sent me probing and I have turned up some very disturbing facts. I will take my time and try to be as clear and concise as I possible can.

We have seen the untimely and violent death of Glen Jackson. It was no secret that Glen Jackson had an abrupt falling out with his political associates: Ralph Gonsalves and the Unity Labor Party; and in his disgust, Glen vowed to reveal to the public, certain information that would have been troubling to Ralph Gonsalves, his political party and his government. However, a few days after Glen Jackson made his intention known, and the day before he was to make his big revelation; Mr. Jackson was found dead in his vehicle. His murderers and their accomplices had taken the time to: ensure his body was clean, his place of death was never discovered, and no forensic evidence could be found: not on his clothes nor in his vehicle where his body was discovered; thus no trail was left linking the killers to Glen Jackson's murder.

I hope it did not surprised you that the police force, an institution that Ralph Gonsalves had turned into his personal poppet show, made an arrest; however, the arrest was not one that was based on the accumulation of evidence but one that was made only to quiet the fears and concerns of the population who had expressed outraged over Glen's death but most importantly, the arrest was designed to take the community’s attention away from the real killers. Although a young man was arrested, charged and stood trial for that crime, we all know that crime was way above the physical ability and financial capability of the defendant, in that; the physical strength that was required to move Jackson body to and from his vehicle to clean the carcass; the place and the cleaning material that was employed to clean Glen's body; all in an efforts to ensure no forensic or other evidence was found. The planning that went into concealing Glen’s place of death (the crime scene). All thses actions were far outside the suspect’s criminal intellect. This murder was one that involved a lot of planning and was masterfully executed. Therefore I must conclude that the individual who was arrested and tried for this matter was only a scape goat.

Then there was Peter Dennie: the Nice Radio staff who met his sudden, unexplained, violent death; another murder that was specific in its detail and execution. A crime and a crime scene that was void of any forensic or other evidence. There are other Vincentian who have met sudden arranged deaths; however, their names and the circumstances of their death will not be mentioned in this article for certain reasons.

There is Que Pasa, A man who is know to and in the drugs world; and a once friend and supporter of Ralph E. Gonsalves and his Unity Labor Party. A man who like Glen, had a falling out with his political associates: Ralph E. Gonsalves and his Unity Labor Party. Fortunately for Que Pasa, he has an ACE in the hole (information in strategic place which will be release if he is killed) hence the reason he is alive today.

Any time Que Pasa's menaces are able to chump, his ACE; he will be a dead man. I hope Que Pasa understand that every effort is being made to make his ACE in the hole null and void. Que Pasa is a marked man.

There was an incident, which occurred on the island of Dominica, that I always though was fishy, so after I left Bermuda in 2008, I journeyed to Dominica, where I did some snooping around (investigation). While there, I used my purposeful charming personality and I quickly became friends with the average man on the street, doctors, police officers, other professional and quite a few member of Dominica criminal community. When members of the criminal community discovered that I was from "Ganja Country:" St. Vincent and the Grenadines, many saw an opportunity to establish Marijuana connection etc. I spent two months on the Island of Dominica, all in an effort to uncover what was in my mind a mystery.

Everyone knows, that much attention is not paid to the violent death of a man or a woman with a colorful back ground; in other words, one who live a life of crime. Unfortunately such deaths are not given the level of attention they should be given and are often dismissed as the consequence of the life that individual lived.

Now that I have lay the foundation let me develop this discourse and get to the bottom of the matter at hand.

Recently the Press Secretary (PS) to Prime Minister Ralph E. Gonsalves: Hans King was experiencing marital problems. Unfortunately the trauma of the experience troubled the young man tremendously and negatively impacted his personal and social life; as well as, destroyed his ability to function in his professional life. To make the matter worst, the man who wooed his way into the heart and world of the PM press secretary’s wife; was one with a criminal back ground; and he was wanted by the United States Federal Government. With the help of the PS wife, Cecil Boatswain the individual in question, evaded the St. Vincent and the US authorities, but not for long; sometime later Cecil Boatswain was founded murdered on the Island of Dominica.

Because of Boatswain’s pass, his murder went down as a drug deal that went bad. But was it? Was Cecil Boatswain’s Murder the results of a drug deal that went bad? I emphatically say NO! Cecil Boatswain’s murder was retaliation on behalf of Hans King. The knowledge that Boatswain’s had resurface once again affected the Prime Minister's Press secretary ability to function. The comfort he had from knowing that Boatswain was dead (he got what he deserved) disappeared with Boatswain's reemergence (This information was known only by certain police in the intelligence Department and key politician).

I cannot say with certain who was responsible for arranging the hit (contacting and paying for Cecil's death) or where the money for the hit on Cecil Boatswain came from, (It may have been the treasury of St. Vincent for all that I know) but I can say with a degree of certainty that Boatswain’s hit man was a Jamaican, who resides in St. Lucia: Andrew Kirkpatrick Michelle, who was also contracted by the same source in September 2008 to perform another hit, on another unsuspecting victim who was in Dominica in September 2008.

The question I am unable to answer is: who ordered the hit on Cecil Boatswain? Was it ordered by members within the Unity labor Party or members of the criminal drugs community that provides financial and other supports to Ralph Gonsalves and his Unity Labor Party? On whose request was the hit ordered? I guess we may never know. But what I know for a fact is, Cecil Boatswain was killed on an order that came from St. Vincent in an effort to secure Hans King Sanity.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

A Baptism Of The St. Georges S.D.A. Churdh

The St. Georges Seventh Day Adventist Church of Bermuda which is lead by:Burton-Schnüll the baptist in this clip. Some of the footage is poorly recorded but I hope you enjoy the short video any way.

Bermuda: the Wild, Wild West

Up to five years ago when I arrived on the island of Bermuda, the Island was known for its order, peace, friendly people, tranquility etc. These qualities along with its strategic geographical location made Bermuda the ideal vacation spot and as a result tourist from around the world flocked to the shores of Bermuda to enjoy the relief from life as they know it.

While going through my initiation training (which is required of every foreign trained experienced police officer before they began to practice) the major police concerns at that time were, petty theft, theft of cycles, bladed article and bladed article related offences, the domestic disputes and violence complaint etc. the small stuff and the police self-defense training were basically geared towards confrontation with bladed weapons (knifes, machete, daggers etc.) which were the weapons of choice.

However as of late, the place that was considered the isle of tranquility has experienced a complete metamorphosis. The attitudes and personalities of the citizens have changed drastically. This dramatic change that the island folks (Bermudian) more so the youths have and are experiencing has to do with the young people adoption of the negative aspect of the United States of America culture: the drugs and gang culture which entail:

· Fight for the scarce drug addict clientele

· Securing drug turf.

· Build brutal reputation in order gain respect.

· Instill fear in the law abiding citizen

· Instill fear in the law enforcement agencies.

Today we have seen a small group of the community’s delinquent setting the pace for the majority of the law abiding islanders, the others that call Bermuda home and the tourist that turn to Bermuda as a refuge from their routine lives.

2009 have seen residence developing a heighten sense of insecurity: they are afraid for their life. It seems as if the delinquent youths which are paddled by a selected, small group of the greedy adult population, have lost all sense of order and self-control. With this out of control conduct they have adopted a new weapon of choice unfortunately their new weapon of choice is the firearm and unfortunately they are using this dangerous and deadly weapon indiscriminately.

The year began with a young man opening fire on the police, which is in itself a new high for the Bermudian criminal and a Clare message to the police but more so the law abiding community. Because I have a keen Knowledge of the type of training, the inexperience of the supervisors in the Bermuda Police Service, the attitudes of management, and the courage level of the constabulary, I can declare without fear and with precise accuracy that the community has much to be concern over and afraid of. The above combination is the perfect strew for the criminal community to hold the law abiding community of Bermuda hostage; thus making them prisoners in their own homes and in their own country.

There are other contributing factors that aid the escalation of such crimes and the boldness of the criminal. The slap on the wrist justice system that Bermuda has is indeed created the perfect environment for the escalation of criminality.

Apart from the unwarranted attack on the police there were several incident that occurred on the twenty two (22 SM) square miles island. the shooting of three men on the 26th May 2009, and the retaliation shooting that followed the following Saturday, the July 22nd shooting in the vicinity of the Warwick Camp, the 4th and the 8th August incidents, the September 6th Shooting of a senior citizen, are some of the major gun incident that occurred on the 22 Sq miles island that is Bermuda.

When such devastating events happen in so small a place, it normally ricochets across the island, it reverberates in every home and it impacts every life. This is so because the island is so small that it affects every family or individual in one way or the other. The victim or the perpetrator is either: the friend, relative, acquaintance or is known to the small community. This situation makes the incident more touching and generates a grater level of fear within the community.

What is unfortunate is the fact that the powers that be; be it police administration, politicians, community workers etc. are lost as to how to stem the criminal tides that is washing over Bermuda. Because everyone seems to be lost, the mental stagnation gave rise to the blame game and thus blame is being banged about. This is no time to pass the blame from person to person or from institution to institution, but this is the time to take an honest and critical look the reality of the situation, asked and answer the tough question no matter how unpopular they may be.

I will like to ask one such question now: has Bermuda moral and criminal decline reach to far to make a recovery? I will also like to follow up my initial question with these questions. If not; what will it take to bring the island back to it former state? But most of all is the people ready for or is capable of dealing with the measures that must be taken?

Big Brither Big Sister of Bermuda


The Big Brother Big Sister (BBBS) Mentoring program of Bermuda has been making an overwhelming contribution to the youths of that island. Like many country of this world, Bermuda were not spare the devastating effects of poor, lack of, and inadequate parenting of the nation’s children and youths. These situations greatly contribute to the high level of delinquency, antisocial and criminal behavior that is rapidly getting out of control, behavior which youths are active and willing participants.

It was design by our creator that the nuclear family was the ideal situation in which a child or children should be introduced into the family. There the father and mother will equally contribute to the proper nurturing, protection, and socialization of their off-springs, thus blessing the society with a healthy replenishment. Unfortunately the break down in societal norms, morality, and respect for each other have saw the emergence of our selfishness and the abandonment of rational thinking, love for family, and children. As a result of the forgone, the children have become the biggest lousier and the reluctant victim.

This situation have predisposed the children to many man created and man imposed danger. Thus transform the parents roles from the protector, nurturer etc. to roles that is aggressive, destructive and very unfriendly to the family.

It is in these situations those None Governmental organizations (NGOs) such BBBS, their members and affiliates seek to satisfy a need by providing a positive influence in the life of a child or a young person. Although the volunteers that lend their support to these NGO cannot replace, meet or fulfill the requirement of the absent parent; it is important to note that the investment of time means far more to a young person or a child than the volunteers will ever know or understand. Such investment far reduces the psychological, emotional and developmental impacts their present imposed situations have doom them to.

Mrs. Esme Williams: executive Director of the Big Brother Big Sister program in Bermuda as well as supportive team, possesses an undying passion for Bermuda’s youths and work with all of their might to ensure that the participants in the program are equipped with the necessary mental, social, creative and interactive tools to satisfy the requirement of being a Big (the mentor). Apart from training and control interaction (activities organized by the organization) the volunteers has the privilege to call upon Esme Williams and any of her support staff for advice at anytime.

Above is one of the many social activities organized that BBBS put on to ensure that mentors and littles are provided with control environment with their peers to interact and socialize. I hope this short video will motivate someone to become a Big brother or sister and therefore become catalyst that motivate a positive change in the life of a child.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

How Far Were You Willing To Go?

At times individuals are forced to wonder, how far their adversaries would be willing to go in order to win a bottle when egos clashes. When all is said and done, would it have made me a better person if I win the little cat fight that we often get entangled in. It is a different thing when an individual is taking a stand against an ill, or standing up for someone who are too weak to stand for themselves.

I use this blog and other forum to expose the imposed hardship I experienced while I was in Bermuda. I suffered many injustices, stress, and other unwarranted hardship at the hands of two of my country men: Commissioner of Police George Jackson and EX-superintendent of Police Randolph Liverpool as well as Mike Jackman. all my troubles came because I stood up against evil and launched a campaign to have Ralph E. Gonsalves arrested and charged for the allegation of Rape and sexual assault of one of my ex-colleague: female Police Constable (who abundant her quest for justice and walked away, due to the stresses that was imposed on her) and later the allegation brought by a young Vincentian Human Rights lawyer who resides in Canada; both of whom will remain nameless for obvious reasons.

As a result of my effort against Ralph E. Gonsalves, there were some interesting activities that occurred behind the scenes that I have never spoken about. These experiences only seek to show that when certain character type (people) think you are down and are the victim of the strong, they develop the tendency and desire to participate in the demise of the victim. I was not surprised when one of my Vincentian brothers in the Bermuda Police Service knowingly became a tool of my adversary. This person’s conspiratorial action will shock you to the core.

Each time it was made public that Ralph Gonsalves had a death threat made against his life, a particular Vincentian police officer who is policing in Bermuda will come to my apartment outfitted with recording equipment, all in an effort to entrap me in either confessing to him of plotting or making threats against Ralph Gonsalves’ life. At times my fellow countrymen will do so in the presence of certain people who are willing to present even a slip of my tongue as evidence in a court of law.

You may ask yourself or attempt to ask me, why my fellow country man will do such a thing. I will attempt to outline his reasons.

It is important to know that he had agreed to be a tool of “The Friends of Ralph Gonsalves" and a foe of Allan Palmer. Firstly the Bermuda police authority did not have any just reason for my suspension and thus my suspension was a direct violation of my contract, my human and constitutional rights as well as the international labor laws. The police authorities were afraid that I was going to sue if I was reinstated. They also had promised Gonsalves that they will stop my campaign against him; but most of all they did not count on me making such a noise; they though I would have roll over and play dead like the hundreds of other they exploited who were blinded by the money or were to weak to fight back. The fact that my campaign against Ralph Gonsalves did not stop despite threats from George Jackson the Commissioner of Police, who threaten to take action against me (this was before my suspension) if I do not desist from calling into the radio programs and writing in the News paper in St. Vincent and the Grenadines, as Jackson termed it “saying nasty thing against Mr. Gonsalves.” I informed George Jackson in the presence of Now Assistance Commissioner of Police Jackman; that he cannot instruct me not to participate in the affairs of my country.

How Far were they willing to go?

In Bermuda there is a Conspiracy charge that is widely used; it does not take much to prove that you have conspired to commit a criminal offence. It was the intention of the Friends of Ralph Gonsalves to gather evidence against me and charge me for conspiring to kill Ralph Gonsalves.

Did you notice that there were always vague reports of threats made against Ralph Gonsalves’ life, and there was never specific information associated with the threats? Were the threats made in person, via telephone, email or threats made via the postal system? Asked yourself why is it, that the threats against Ralph’s life had suddenly stopped. No one was arrested, no one was taken to court and no one was convicted for any offence related to the threats that were made against the life of the Head of Government of St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Is it that the person(s) who were making the threats no longer has an interest in the death of Ralph Gonsalves.

In this technologically advance world, even a phone call made from a barred telephone, be it domestic, satellite or cellular phone can be easily tracked and the same with an email communication. It may be harder to trace/track communication that was made via the postal service system (a letter) but not impossible. Such communication can be tracked to a specific location narrowing the search to a particular post office, postal facility or postal receptacle most of which are surveyed by hi-tech electronic surveillance system.

Threat made via the telecommunication system or email can be easily detected. If the powers that be receive a threat against a head of state or head of Government, if the authorities have reason to take such threats seriously, then the source of the threats can be easily detected. However it is not so easy to detect the sender a threat laced mails when such was sent via the postal service system. We have examples of the trouble P John found himself in some years ago, when his election gimmick backfired. P John undertook a task; using the guise of anonymity, he circulated a document that was damaging to Ralph Gonsalves and his Unity Labor Party via the internet. He was quickly discovered and was forced to make a public apology in order to avoid the consequences of a lawsuit.

Now; was these threats against Ralph Gonsalves’ life that was released to the press authentic? Or were they just a part of the well laid plans that were coordinated to entrapped and have me charge for conspiracy to commit murdering the Prime Minister of St. Vincent: Ralph Gonsalves?

Could you imagine how this would have affected my life if I was so charged? What would have become of my legacy if I was convicted of conspiracy to murdering of a head of government? But Jehovah is good and has been good to me.

This plot failed in the same way the plot the Bermuda Police Authority also arranged for my downfall, when they use the beautiful young lady, to try and pressure me into giving her basic information about herself from the police system failed. I love women, but I know where to draw the line.

The big question that I am yet to answer is: how far did this plot went? Was it just a plot that found its origin, execution, failure and thus was just limited to the friends of Ralph Gonsalves in Bermuda or did it stretched across the sea to the office of Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves? And if so what was his role and how deep was he involved? What is in the dark will soon come to the light.

Other questions that just came to mind are: how far were you all willing to go? Was the imprisonment of an innocent man been enough to satisfy your egos and your crave to do evil?

To my brother who join the ranks of the evil and whose efforts were targeted to my downfall and my imprisonment just remember what goes around comes around.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Such A High Price to Pay To Dwell In Greener Pastures

During the 1970s and the 1980s many West Indian teenagers left their families, their friends and all that was familiar to them and journeyed to Bermuda in search of and to graze on what was suppose to be greener pastures. Their crest was to make a better life for their families and themselves. The Bermuda Police Service benefited from this migration because most of the migrant were recruited by that institution.

In this period, Bermuda was engulfed with openly racist and other prejudicial practices that were considered an acceptable part of the system. In this era there were three classes of people who resided in Bermuda: they were the elite white, who by virtue of slavery found themselves at the top of the food chain; there were the black Bermudian who by the virtues of their birthright has a sense of entitlement and were considered second class citizen, and then there were the third class citizen which included the West Indian and the Portuguese who were considered as outsiders.

It is interesting that the elite white who were the chief land holders, the major employers, the law makers and the enforcers of the law, only saw two classes of people in Bermuda which were: the white and the none white people. The none white people were treated as inferior and without rights; this included the black Bermudian.

You will be surprised to know that the third group came about because of the attitude and treatment that were aimed at West Indians and the Portuguese by the black Bermudians; while the Black Bermudian flunt their their birthright to the West Indian and the Portuguese (Even then a large percentage of Portuguese were/are Bermudian by virtue of birth but still are not treated as if they belong).

When these teenage young men arrived on the island of Bermuda, the only familiar thing they knew were their reflection in the mirror. Unfortunately there were points in their youthful lives when they look into the mirror and did not recognized the person who was looking back at them; for they were riddled with depression and other imposed trauma. This was the unfortunate price to pay for grazing on greener pastures; a price in my opinion that was much too high to pay for money.

The fact that these young men were recruited by the Bermuda Police Service (paramilitary organization) made it worst; the hierarchical and the regimented system that exist in the Service give rise to many more stresses and problems that did not plagued others who had migrated.

I have heard some gruesome stories of the inhumane, unethical and unlawful treatment that were inflicted on the West Indians that lived and dowelled in Bermuda during this period. these Stories revealed the continual and indiscriminate rap of these helpless young men by their superior officers, and because of the shame that is/was associated with such undignified behavior and treatment the young naive teen took a self-imposed vow of silence (some at the prompting of their rapist and some out of shame) which they maintained up to today.

There was a touching story of betrayal that caused my stomach to turn when I heard the details. One individual told of a superior officer who quieted his mother’s concern for her son’s safety; (her son being in a strange land far from all he knew) by vowing to and reassuring this trusting woman, that he will look out for her son and see to his safety. Unfortunately this superior officer took advantage of the trust placed in him by the mother and her son and later became the young police officer’s sexual abuser. It is important to note that such behavior were common practice in Bermuda. Today there are many West Indian in Bermuda who were able to break away and disassociate themselves from the evils that were inflicted on them, while on the other hand there are those who have adopted the lifestyle and are on the down low, keeping their deranged sexual habit between a few close friends and anyone they can recruit to join their group.

So when you see any of my fellows West Indian from that era, please know that they were guess of Bermuda yet they were treated with the uttermost disrespect; they were not protected and there were no redress for the evil that was inflicted on them. That was a very high price pay and a painful legacy to endure while serving and ensure the safety of the people of Bermuda.

What was unfortunate was when a victim, becomes the perpetrator, ensuring that the same dirty legacy of rape and other sexual abuse of those who were/are weaker than themselves. It is also important that you understand that West Indians were not the only victim of such humiliating abuse, there were also many native (Bermudians) victims also.

Thursday, August 06, 2009

Gary "Guppy" Young; May You Rest In Peace

Once again the Bermuda Police Service has lost another presumable healthy young man from a sudden illness. The Police Sergeant (PS) Gary Young who is affectionately know by all as “Guppy” Young did not meet his sudden death accidentally as is common for people of his age but was another victim of a sudden illness that has been plaguing so many police officer of the Bermuda Police Service both serving and retired. A concern for which no one seem to care (not the Bermuda government, not the management of the Bermuda Police Service nor the Bermuda Police Association) and have for too long gone unattended

SP Young was a soft spoken; well mannered and friendly gentle man who did not care too much for stress; thus he did not waste time worrying over the things he had no control over and encouraged his men to do the same. I can say without a doubt that he was a helper, he will go out of his way to make the people around him comfortable, he will perform the duties for his constable to ensure that he meet a doctor’s, family or other important appointment.

Although Sergeant Young was not a big talker, he was one of those supervisors who had jokes and very often he will break the tension and stresses of the job with a good joke and everyone present will have a good laugh compliments of SP Young. He also loved to dish out a good heckling but he was careful not to go over board.

Because Mr. Young was a private man, who kept his private and professional life seperate in the same way most of us do, I cannot speak of his family and social life, but for what I know he did good by me and by most of the people he came into contact with. It is with this in mind that I am taking this opportunity to extend my deepest sympathy to the family of PS Young, his close friends and beloved colleagues. Brother Young may you rest in the arms of Jesus and may that rest be in peace?
*Unfortunately I do not have a photo of PS Young if you have a photo of Mr. Young can you email it to me at allanp460@hotmail.com so I can post one with the article

Monday, August 03, 2009

Dr. H. L. Gates: A Victim or an Aggressor

One of the issues that have received a lot of media coverage in the United States of America (USA) and should be of concern to people every where is the incident involving the arrest of a black professor of Harvard University: Dr. Gates by a white police officer: who is attached to the Cambridge Police Department. This incident give raise to many questions, and generated a great deal of tension; both racial and political. Although it seems as if this matter was resolved over a round of beer on the front lawn of the white house which is located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington District of Columbia.

Many people hold fast to the opinion that Boris Gates was responsible for the escalation of this incident, while others say that the officer acted outside the perimeter of his powers. Yet all of the pundits fail to go into any detail to justify their claims.

Here we have a situation where a police officer went to investigate an incident of a possible burglary. On arrival at the scene, the police officer approached the home and was met at the door by the suspected intruder. I Guess the officer stated the purpose for his presence to the alleged intruder and asked him to proof that he is who he said he was and was indeed the official custodian of the premises. The alleged intruder went into the house accompanied by the officer, retrieved two pieces of picture identification and presented to the officer in an effort to verifying that he was who he declared himself to be.

The big question that must be answer is: was Dr. Gates actions enough to satisfy the officer need to ensure that the law was not violated, being violated and the professor, was who he said he was and had a lawful right to be in the house. There are a few indicators that tell me that Mr. Gates effort was more than satisfactory in convincing the police officer that he was indeed who he said he was and that he was the lawful custodian and resident of the house in question.

The following are the indicator that officer Crowley was convinced of Dr. Gates’ residential status:

  1. Dr Gates presented not one but two picture ID to the officer (A driver’s license and his college identification)

  2. How would an intruder in this case Dr. Gates know exactly that there where and where to get picture ID of himself in the house he was unlawfully breaking into?

  3. The fact that the officer arrested Gates only after he exited the house for the offence of Disorderly Conduct. An offence that must be committed in a public place and such conduct must be to the annoyance, disturbance and displeasure of someone who has a lawful right to be in that place. As Soon as the professor proof that he was indeed the lawful custodian and he lawfully inhabits the house, the police had no lawful rights to remain in the professor’s house. So the fact that he invited the Doctor out of his house and arrested him while outside his house is proof that he was convinced that the man was how he said he was. It is important to note that if there was a problem with the verification of Gates’ identity then the officer had all rights to arrest him on suspicion Breaking and entering or burglary (depending on the jurisdiction) pending the proper verification of his identification.
The second question that must be answered is; did The Harvard professor commit an offence?

From an objective evaluation of the evidence and the piece of law I have conclude that Dr. Gates did not commit any offence; he may have shouted at the police officer in his effort to get him off of his property, he may have also expressed some personal opinion by trying to tie the officer’s behavior to that of race, (the officer being white and Gates being a black man) and it very well might have been, regardless of what was said, It is possible that the general behavior of Dr. Gates may have hurt officer Crowley’s feelings, but hurt feelings is not a lawful reason for taking away an individual’s liberty and arresting them.

Each officer has an obligation to be guided by the law in the execution of his or her lawful duties. There are times when an officer can affect an arrest without that person committing an offence; and they are:

  1. To prevent the commission of a crime or

  2. For the individual’s safety or the safety of another.

  3. On suspicion that the individual have committed a crime (even if he did not).
Other than for the above reasons every officer ought to affect an arrest on commission of a crime or on suspicion that an individual has committed a crime.

Now that we have concluded that Dr. H Gates did not commit an offense or in any other way violated the law, we can conclude that officer Crowley under false pretence arrested Professor Gates behaving as if his arrest was lawful. It is important for police officer to understand that if someone hurt your pride, they may not be in violation of any law or any body of law and no one should be arrested because their action or words did some damage to your pride.

Although the Professor is a renowned IV league School professor, Dr. Gates was not the professional in this situation. Officer Crowley was the professor and had a professional obligation to resolve this issue according to the law of the land, his training and the professional ethics that should always govern his behavior.

Police officers are professional people and they must allow professionalism to guide their behavior and their action, they must also allow commonsense to prevail and they must stop abusing the power that is entrusted to them for the protection of the community. Just remember that, each time you act unprofessionally your behavior and action impacts on the institution you serve and affect the very people you have sworn to protect and serve.

To my fellow police officers, remember each time we insults an individual only because we are in a position of authority, or inflict blows on a member of the community for any reason other than in defense of ones’ self or a victim of a crime; and even then he or she has to be responsible with his or her actions, or their actions may be constituted as abuse of one’s power and thus, your actions may result in the commission of an offence or a crime for which you may be charged and tried.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Bro. George Jackson: Where is My Commendation?

On the 26 th of November 2007, While on duty at the Hamilton Police Station there was a male prisoner (who will remain nameless) being detained at the Hamilton Police Station. While there the young man attempted to commit suicide. The method of self-termination he chooses was to hang himself by the neck using the basic bed linen that was provided by the Bermuda Police Service to bring those who are detain the basic level of comfort. There were no recognizable tell tail signs, that would have alerted any of the officers on duty that the prisoner was suicidal or had suicidal tendencies.

Fortunately for him the prisoner's suicide attempt was not successful, although he came close in that, he went into a state of unconsciousness and the constriction of his airway was almost permanently close, this critical fact could have complicate his resuscitation and thus it made the rescue of the prisoner impossible. To get the victim down from his place of self-execution, ensure that the linen was removed from around his neck, and clear the victim’s airway took the combined efforts of three officers working feverishly to accomplish this task.

After which we had to ensure that the victim/prisoner was transported to the King Edward Memorial Hospital in good enough time to ensure that the people who had the training and the equipments that was required to revive the victim get the opportunity to do so.

The quick and effective action of my colleagues and I ensure that we got the victim down from his place of hanging to the place of resuscitation (the hospital) in good enough time for him to be revived.

As a result of our life saving actions we were given good performance (a written recognition for exceptional or outstanding performance) logs and recommended for a commendation/merit ward, which should have been awarded at the end of 2008 the beginning of 2009. Unfortunately I did not received my merit award, for the critical role I played in preventing the victim from meeting an untimely death, the Bermuda Police Service from a costly and time consuming investigation, bad press, community criticism but most off all the trauma of family and friends. I guess I am the only person who played a role in this rescue who was not so rewarded.

I know it would hurt my friends George Jackson, Bryan Bell, Michael Jackman, and now retired Randolph Liverpool’s hearts to award me a commendation, (which I deserved) after all of the stress I cause them. It is important to know that the Stress I cause the management of the Bermuda police Service was in retaliation to all of the evil they did to me.

Big George Jackson, and the others; Regardless of how you feel about me personally, the fact remains that I work for that and deserve to be given a commendation for my efforts. I will like to have my commendation for the role I played in saving the life of the prisoner and preventing all of the negatives that would have followed. ha ha ha ha.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Julian Hall: A Bermudian Intellectual Icon

........Julian Hall A Bermudian intellectual Icon......Photo from Google picture

When my friend Nelly informed me of Julian Hall’s death, I became engulfed with disappointment. I was disappointed for several reasons; reasons which I will go into a little later. Like any good and reliable writer, I did my ground work to confirm the information that was relayed. I later confirmed that Julian was actually pronounced dead about two hours ago.

I can remember when I first heard of Julian Hall, I did not believe all of the wonderful things about him, the disturbing stories about his tribulation and of the brilliance that characterized the man. My disbelief of Julian’s talent was based on the fact that, in most quarters in Bermuda, mediocrity is promoted and held in reverence.

I can remember my first encounter with this Bermudian Icon of brilliance. It was while performing extra (police security) duty at the Bank of Bermuda on Church Street, in the City of Hamilton; but what left the greatest impact and actually converted me as an admirer of Julian Hall was: the speech he made at the 2006 Labor Day rally which was held at the Bernard’s Park. despite his troubled pass he spoke valiantly and without fear. I was amazed by his eloquence, the clarity of mind that was exhibited in his discourse, the logical arguments he made, the love he had for his people, but more so the valiant level of courage he exhibited in challenging the status que that try to secure his demise as an individual, a lawyer, a politician, a labor activist etc. I also listened with interest to the recording of the dynamic speech Julian delivered at the P. L. P’s convention a year or so later.

I have heard of Julian’s rise, his fall and the evil plots that was executed against this man to control and mussel him, yet he defy those who try to silence him, he stood proud and worked for his people. His close political allies disliked his independence of mind and his free will; his political opponents disliked the same qualities; yet when they were in his presence they had no choice but to put away the petty jealousy they harbored in their heart and treat him with the dignity and respect he demanded and deserved.

Julian spent his final years working hard to clear his name of allegations of dishonesty and to change the idiotic law that make it impossible for bankrupt lawyers to practice their profession in Bermuda. This law literally denied this patriotic son of the soil the opportunity to adequately earn a living in the land of his birth.

Many people in different places will want to cast stone at Julian now that he is dead; but like Julian each of us have made bad/poor decisions and mistakes; unfortunately for some, their mistakes and bad decisions were/are highlighted and affects their life adversely. Does that means that we or you are better than the other man or woman because his or her mistakes may have landed them in trouble and your bad decisions, illegal acts and or mistakes did not have such an impact on you? Remember what is in the dark will soon come into the light.

In the Bible Jesus the son of Jehovah said “he who is without sin cast the first stone;” I therefore dear anyone who was intimidated by Julian Hall’s intelligence, his determination, his eloquence, his free will and his love for all Bermudian (even those who designed his political, legal, professional and other downfall) to cast the first stone.

There are not much people that I admire but I admired Julian’s brilliance, his boldness, his courage but most of all I love Julian’s will to fight even against the odds.

Let me take this opportunity to convey my condolence to Julian’s family and the people of Bermuda on the lost of an intellectual icon. May you rest in peace Julian Hall; I hope your people (Bermudians) remember you always.